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Oil still has us over a barrel

"The discovery of a number of oilfields is good news for global energy but it does not mean the threat of peak oil is over"

Category: Energy sources


Space junk drifts towards Discovery shuttle

"Nasa says linked shuttle and international space station may have to change course to avoid debris"

Category: Space


'Climate change is here, it is a reality'

"As one devastating drought follows another, the future is bleak for millions in east Africa. John Vidal reports from Moyale, Kenya"

Category: Climate Change


Entire cabinet signs up to 10:10 climate change campaign

"Gordon Brown and his senior ministers all committed to cutting their personal carbon emissions today as the entire cabinet signed up to the 10:10 climate change campaign."


Global warming has made Arctic summers hottest for 2,000 years

"The Arctic has warmed as a result of climate change, despite the Earth being farther from the sun during summer months"

Displaying results 1006 to 1010 out of 2977